CEO Message

We, U2Bio, which takes on new challenges with passion, would like to give greetings to you.

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U2Bio would like to leap forward as
a world-class integrated healthcare platform.
U2 means to take a vigorous leap forward together with partners having dreams.

We will make utmost efforts to create new value by combining IT infrastructure for medical and healthcare and various bio services that have been experienced and built through UBcare Co., Ltd. for 18 years, and utilizing valuable experiences learned as a CEO of a venture company from start-up to all kinds of difficulties and environmental changes, help the management of hospitals and clinics amidst the rapidly changing medical environment, such as the arrival of the U-Healthcare era, the permission of for-profit corporations, the development of the medical market, and the advent of private medical insurance.

All employees in not only U2 Headquarters but also fields will do their best to provide accuracy, promptness, convenience, and trust in medical treatment, preparing for the upcoming new environment era altogether, providing a vision to dream, and becoming a company full of warm humanity and strong affection, with the same heart each other.

U2Bio Co., Ltd Jin Tae Kim서명

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