U2 aims for “Lab, Service Everything”.
- Biotechnology Platform Service
- Clinical Laboratory Test Service Digital Healthcare Platform (IT) Biotechnology Platform Service (BT)
- Research service
- Personalized CARE service
- Contract Research Organization (CRO)
- Development and manufacturing of in vitro diagnostic medical device
- Genomic research using next-generation sequencing (NGS)
- Human genetic research based on sequencing
- Human body and microbial molecular diagnosis research using PCR
- [U2Biome]
NGDS-based gut microbial genome analysis and customized health management service - [U2Telolife]
Telomere cell age analysis and personalized health care service - [Moamoa]
Maternal and infant health consulting service through a breastfeeding nutrition analysis
- Research on human-derived materials for the development of in vitro diagnostic medical devices
- Confirmatory and clinical performance test for in vitro diagnostic medical device approval
- Cell immune performance test for the approval of health-functional foods (human application test)
- Clinical trials for the approval of medical supplies (Phase 1-4)
- Recognition of GMP Conformity (In vitro No. 4116)
- U2PlexTM Alpha-Thalassemia Diagnostic Kit_A, B, C (In vitro Jeheo No. 20-840, No. 862, No. 861)
- U2PlexTM Q COVID-19 Fast Real-time PCR Kit (In vitro Jeheo 22-641)
We are launching various analysis services based on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), aiming to contribute to human health through technological advancements applying molecular genetic techniques.
We provide more accurate and optimized healthcare solutions through the U2Biome service analyzing intestinal microbes using NGS technology and recommending customized health functional foods, and the telomere service analyzing the biological age of cells.
While researching, developing, and manufacturing in vitro diagnostic medical devices, U2Bio aims to contribute to disease diagnosis and human health by providing clinical performance tests and approval and permission support services for various medical devices.
U2Bio will continue to grow based on strict quality control and accurate statistical analysis in the field of not only performance tests of in vitro diagnostic medical devices but also health functional food and clinical trials for medical supplies in the future.